For factories and industries to run smoothly, compressed air is essential. High pressure air compressor is extremely convenient and efficient, but faulty compressed air can cause forced shutdowns, substandard performance, and high expenses. It is proven that the cost of electricity accounts for around 70% of the lifetime cost of an air compressor, which raises your entire power consumption. Compressed air systems, however, are now a necessary component of the industrial setup, especially in the case of sensitive industries like healthcare, pharma, food & beverage, etc., due to their efficacy and capacity of production support offered. Beginning with air assessment and air audit, there are several options to decrease the energy used by compressed air systems.
Tips to save energy for your air compressor
Since air compressors require a lot of energy to operate, saving energy becomes very important to lower the operating cost for the industry owners. Below are some important tips to save energy for your air compressor.
Reduce unloaded operating time: An industrial compressed air system often experiences variable air demand. The first step in improving energy efficiency is to use these patterns to cut down on unloaded running hours. After hours, compressors can continue to use up to 25% of the energy they would have used at full load. The more money you can save by turning compressors off rather than having them run idle, the shorter the manufacturing time.
Minimise air leaks: The main cause of energy loss in older compressed air systems is leaks. Up to 20% of the total compressed air used may leak, according to estimates. Your energy efficiency will rise and you’ll start saving money right away if you fix air leaks. For the air leaks to be minimised, it is extremely important that leak detection must be done and only then they could be fixed.
Reduce pressure band: For the majority of compressors, it is generally accepted that a pressure decrease of 1 bar (14.5 psi) might result in an electricity consumption reduction of 7%. The compressor’s pressure settings need to be changed until the lowest pressure is achievable and the pressure band may be narrowed without compromising the applications.
Recover waste heat: Recovery of air compressor waste heat is one area where manufacturers have a great chance to save money. The size of the compressor and the number of operating hours determine how much electrical energy may be recovered. Recovery rates typically range from 70 to 94%. By utilising exhausted cooling air for space heating or recovering heat from compressed air, there’s no need to buy as much energy. This reduction lowers operational expenses and CO2 emissions, which also lessens your carbon footprint.
Size of the compressor must be correct: The inappropriate size air compressor for your plant might result in production issues and/or higher expenditures owing to energy waste. Renowned industrial air compressor manufacturers can visit your facility, assess your current system and find out the best size of the compressor that is required for the system.
Technology of the installed compressor must be correct: Apart from the size of the air compressor, the technology of the compressor must also be correct because there are various technologies available and you must ensure to install the compressor which saves energy the most.
Change Filters on Time: In addition to being necessary to maintain air quality, air filter replacement presents a chance to reduce energy use. Delaying the replacement of your air filter might cost you a lot. Filters that are clogged might reduce pressure and be less effective. Maintain a healthy compressed air system by ensuring prompt service.